Acupuncture is used to promote natural healing, improve mood and energy, relieve or reduce pain and improve the function of affected areas of the body. Treatment is the healing art of inserting fine, sterile, disposable needles into the skin.
Your body’s health depends on your Qi, the life force that flows through the body via a network of meridians and collaterals. These run from head to toe connecting the body’s organs and systems. If the Qi is strong, balanced and free flowing, there is health. If the Qi is weakened, blocked or unbalanced, illness will ensue.
Disruption in the flow of Qi can occur in many ways, such as; climatic factors, emotional upset, physical trauma, poor diet and overwork. Acupuncture treats the person as a whole – mind, body and spirit and seeks to cure the causes of illness rather than just the symptoms.
Your body’s health depends on your Qi, the life force that flows through the body via a network of meridians and collaterals. These run from head to toe connecting the body’s organs and systems. If the Qi is strong, balanced and free flowing, there is health. If the Qi is weakened, blocked or unbalanced, illness will ensue.
Disruption in the flow of Qi can occur in many ways, such as; climatic factors, emotional upset, physical trauma, poor diet and overwork. Acupuncture treats the person as a whole – mind, body and spirit and seeks to cure the causes of illness rather than just the symptoms.